Gunnebo has acquired Clear Image
Swedish public company, The Gunnebo Security Group, has completed the acquisition of Clear Image, a provider of electronic security solutions and services in the United Kingdom. Livingstone’s Industrial sector team advised Gunnebo on the purchase.
Clear Image offers intelligent and innovative electronic security solutions supported by a highly experienced service team. Its customer base includes leading banks, cash in transit companies and retailers.
– The acquisition of Clear Image is a perfect fit for Gunnebo. It enhances our strong existing security offering and opens up new opportunities for us on the UK market within some of our core customer segments, says Gunnebo’s President and CEO, Per Borgvall.
Clear Image was founded in 1997 as a privately owned family business. The company has an annual turnover of around £5 million and employs 60 people
Gunnebo is a global security group headquartered in Gothenburg in Sweden with 5,600 employees and 2013 revenues of €610m. Clear Image will become part of Gunnebo UK Ltd, led by Managing Director Paul Hutchinson.
This is the second acquisition by Gunnebo on which Livingstone has advised, following the 2012 acquisition of Hamilton Safe, the second largest supplier of safes to banks and government authorities in the USA.
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- Förvärvet av Clear Image är en perfekt matching med Gunnebo. Det förstärker vårt redan starka erbjudande inom säkerhet och skapar nya möjligheter för oss hos kärnkundgrupper på den brittiska marknaden.Per Borgvall, VD & ordförande, Gunnebo