Amerikanska Jupiter Aluminum Corporation har förvärvat Grupo Valenciana de Aluminio Baux

Livingstone’s global industrial team has advised the shareholders of Jupiter Aluminum Corporation, a U.S. aluminum mill operator, on the acquisition of Spanish-based aluminum producer Grupo Valenciana de Aluminio Baux (Baux), including subsidiaries Bancolor Baux, SLU and Compañía Valenciana de Aluminio Baux, SLU. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.
“The Livingstone team did a great job. They guided us through a challenging process combining the raising of two credit facilities in different jurisdictions while leading a competitive acquisition process that successfully took us to the finish line,” said Paul-Henri Chevalier, President of Jupiter Aluminum. “Their knowledge, organizational skills, and global reach allowed us to pull the deal off in a limited timeframe. We thank them for their invaluable support.”
Founded in 1992 and based in Hammond, Indiana, Jupiter operates an aluminum mill, recycling aluminum scrap into coils used in the building products, agricultural, automotive, and distribution markets. In addition to installing emission-control systems in each furnace used to melt scrap, Jupiter developed its own oxy-fuel technology to further reduce its emissions, bringing the company’s operating and environmental efficiencies to best-in-class industry standards.
Headquartered in Paterna, Spain, Baux is one of Europe’s top five smelting, rolling, and coil manufacturers in the aluminum flat-rolled products industry. Baux delivers premium-quality products in highly competitive timeframes to customers in 12 countries on three continents. With a workforce of 330 people in four locations, Baux generates annual revenue in excess of $141 million.
The strong strategic fit between the two companies includes complementary equipment, end-markets, and dedication to customer service. The acquisition advances Jupiter’s international growth initiatives, pushing into new markets with value-added capabilities, products, and expertise.
“We are thrilled to secure this transaction for Jupiter. Baux’s outstanding reputation and high-quality products made it an attractive acquisition target. The scale and cross-border aspects of this deal allowed our firm to utilize our global capabilities successfully, showcasing our expertise in acquisition advisory services and capital-raising in order to reach such a successful outcome,” commented Ximo Villarroya, Partner of Livingstone Spain.
Michael Jenny, Managing Director of Livingstone Chicago added, “We were pleased to work with the Jupiter team on such a transformative cross-border transaction. The Baux acquisition substantially increases the combined companies’ depth and breadth in multiple markets while at the same time positioning Jupiter for additional future growth.”
The completion of this transaction demonstrates Livingstone’s ability to be a valuable partner for strategic acquirers seeking opportunities in international markets.
Livingstone acted as exclusive financial advisor to Jupiter Aluminum Corporation. Quater Abogados served as legal counsel to the Company.
Vi bidrar med djupgående sektorexpertis
Tack vare globala specialistteam inom varje sektor kan vi leverera strategisk rådgivning och tillgång till de mest attraktiva intressenterna i varje bransch.
- Livingstones team gjorde ett jättebra jobb. De guidade oss genom en utmanande process där de kombinerade kapitalresning i två olika jurisdiktioner med att samtidigt leda en konkurrensutsatt förvärvsprocess med framgångsrikt avslut. Deras kunskap, organisationsförmåga och globala räckvidd tillät oss att genomföra affären enligt en knapp tidplan.Paul-Henri Chevalier, Ordförande, Jupiter Aluminum
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