Albireo Energy genomför strategiskt förvärv av Taylor Consulting

Livingstone’s debt advisory team is pleased to announce it has raised financing for Albireo Energy, a portfolio company of Huron Capital, in support of its acquisition of Taylor Consulting & Contracting, LLC. LBC Credit Partners provided the financing for the transaction.
Albireo Energy is a leading provider of building automation and controls solutions, electrical power monitoring systems, and energy services across a wide spectrum of industries, serving commercial and institutional customers on four continents. The company has completed over 5,000 installations worldwide for mission-critical facilities such as data centers, labs, military installations, and hospitals.
Taylor Consulting, a leader in energy management services, helps customers reduce energy costs using propriety software and data analytics. Serving over 33,000 utility accounts, the company delivers value for customers across a wide spectrum of industries and geographies.
The deal marks the ninth transaction for Albireo, expanding the company’s suite of energy efficiency and automation services to include energy management and procurement.
“The acquisition of Taylor Consulting is a great strategic and cultural fit for Albireo,” said Brian Rassel, Vice President of Huron Capital. “We really appreciate the effort and care Livingstone gave, particularly their financing process. We could not have pulled off the same process, or gotten the same outcome with a partner other than Livingstone.”
Huron Capital, an operationally-oriented private equity firm, is dedicated to growing lower middle-market companies. Huron maintains a demonstrated track record of partnering with strong management teams and implementing its proprietary ExecFactor® buy-and-build strategy to create enduring, market-leading companies.
Livingstone Managing Director Mark Birkett noted “We were thrilled to work with the Huron and Albireo teams on this transformational acquisition. Huron’s history of successfully executing on a buy-and-build strategy resulted in strong interest in the transaction. Our financing process helped Huron identify LBC as the ideal lending partner with whom to continue to grow the business.”
The completion of this transaction reinforces Livingstone’s position as the advisor of choice for financial sponsors, following the successful refinancings for L Catterton portfolio company Penumbra Brands and Saybrook portfolio company Taylored Services.
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Tack vare globala specialistteam inom varje sektor kan vi leverera strategisk rådgivning och tillgång till de mest attraktiva intressenterna i varje bransch
- Vi uppskattar verkligen arbetet och omsorgen som Livingstone la ned i försäljningen, speciellt deras particularly their finansieringsförmåga. Vi hade inte kunnat genomföra samma process på egen hand, och inte kunnat få samma utfall med någon annan samarbetspartner än Livingstone.Brian Rassel, Vice ordförande, Huron Capital
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