Livingstone advises Nu Instruments on Sale to AMETEK Inc.

Livingstone’s Global Industrial team has recently advised the shareholders of Nu Instruments, a market leading designer and manufacturer of high performance mass spectrometers and accessories, on the sale of the business to NYSE-listed AMETEK, Inc.
Nu Instruments offers a full suite of magnetic sector mass spectrometers used in advanced laboratory analysis in demanding research applications in earth and environmental sciences, material characterization, and the nuclear market. Its customers include leading universities, research institutions and technical manufacturing and materials analysis companies.
AMETEK is a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electro-mechanical devices with annual sales of $4.0 billion. Nu Instruments will become part of the Materials Analysis Division within the AMETEK Electronic Instruments Group (EIG).
AMETEK EIG is a leader in advanced analytical, monitoring, testing, calibrating and display instruments with annual sales of $2.4 billion. The acquisition of Nu Instruments will significantly broaden AMETEK’s product offering and technical capabilities in differentiated, high-end analytical instrumentation. Nu Instruments’ products and markets are highly complementary to AMETEK’s Cameca advanced elemental analysis business, and will provide opportunities for accelerating product innovation and market expansion worldwide.
Alan McCall, Managing Director at Nu Instruments commented: “The Livingstone team were critical to getting this deal done. They understood our market and our business, and which companies would see us as a strategic asset and why. They ran a tight process which allowed us to get the right financial deal and to secure in AMETEK a partner which is keen to support our products, our technology and our global growth.”
Andrew Isgrig, Partner at Livingstone Chicago added: “It has been a delight to work with Alan McCall, Dr Phil Freedman and the wider Nu Instruments management team. Thanks to their innovation and work, Nu Instruments’ mass spectrometers are helping leading academic and research institutions around the world to break new ground in critical fields and are allowing major corporates to advance testing, safety and quality within their products and operations. With the global support of an organization of the stature of AMETEK the future looks very exciting.”
He concluded: “This is an excellent example of our global sector focus enabling us to run a tight process with the right global buyers and drive an exceptional outcome for our client.”